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Selecting the right metal manuacturing company is a daunting task. You need more than just the right set of capabilities—you also need someone who is familiar with your industry, and who has the systems and policies in place to ensure your metal parts meet specifications. In short, you need to be thorough when vetting the next metal manufacturing company you partner with.
That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide. After 60+ years in the metal manufacturing business, we know how to deliver top-notch services and superior metal components. We’ll take you through every step of the search process, from evaluating capabilities and design processes, to researching reputation and performing a risk assessment. Plus, we cover additional topics like the pros and cons of onshore vs offshore manufacturing partners, IP rights, automated systems, and balancing cost with quality needs.
We’ve even included a New Supplier Relationship checklist for convenient reference. Just fill out the form above and download your copy today.